
Pangolins – Walk Like A T Rex

Pangolin Image – Louis Moraund –

Pangolins are amazing animals; they look like little dinosaurs and are covered in scales, but are actually the world’s only fully scaled mammal. Climbing, digging, rolling and walking like a T-Rex are all favourite Pangolin activities. 

Unfortunately, while these animals are very cute, pangolins are one of the world’s most trafficked mammal and are hunted mercilessly for their scales and meat. The outbreak of COVID has bought with it even more heartbreak for those caring for and seeking to preserve Pangolins. Pangolins are on the rare and endangered species list.

The Rare & Endangered Species Trust (REST) was established in Namibia by Maria Diekmann during the year 2000, work tirelessly to protect endangered species. This includes protecting Pangolins from extinction. Maria’s organisation has drawn worldwide acclaim, thanks chiefly to her work with the endangered Cape pangolin.

Pangolins, and the struggle Maria and her team has experienced in their efforts to save the species was featured in the a wildlife documentary featuring Pangolins in 2018, narrated by David Attenborough called ‘Pangolins, the world’s most wanted animal’, (which is a definite must view ) here:

Stories, videos and songs about Pangolins are important to educate the next generation about the importance of conserving and protecting the vulnerable populations of Pangolins across the world. 

I am very excited to release Pango Walks Like A T Rex a song and video clip to support Maria’s important conservation work. I thank Maria and the R.E.S.T team for their support and support and work for the Pangolins.

To learn more about Pangolins and find out how you can donate to the Pangolin cause, visit the Pangolin International website.